Studio Location Thursday/De Pere
Inspirit Physical Therapy & Wellness Center 3852 Creamery Rd, De Pere, WI 54115
Gravity Yoga Thursday 7:30 P.M.
Buy a single class, 5 pack, or 10 pack using the purple button link below class description.
This is an ongoing class. Always refer here for canceled classes.
All Levels Of Fitness Welcome
Gravity Yoga (SSF Training)
Gravity Yoga is a class designed to help you achieve your personal best in mobility and physical stability. Perfect for all fitness levels, this class encourages you to focus on your unique abilities and growth.
Benefits of Gravity Yoga include:
This proven system helped Navah recover from immobility and return to dancing, making it ideal for both dancers and non-dancers alike.
In each class, we focus on:
Feel free to bring your yoga mat (mats are also available to borrow). Dress in comfortable clothes that allow your body to move freely. Shoes are not required, and please note that street shoes are not allowed in the studio.
By clicking below, you agree to the terms and conditions. Navah Mirage is not responsible for any technical difficulties or injuries. You confirm that your doctor has approved your participation in these classes.
Private Lessons Available
Feel like one-on-one time will help you better achieve your goals?
Private Lessons are available for belly dance or yoga.
Please Contact Jennifer for Schedule availability.
Email at
For zoom be sure to provide your email in the note section of PayPal.
Copyright © 2020 Navah Mirage Belly Dance - All Rights Reserved.